Science Unit 6. Plants

Something to remember about plants .Do you recognice where it is  at school?

SONG: Today is Monday.

Captain Underpants video

Practice your English watching and listening this video. Enjoy!

Science Unit 6. Plants reproduction. Parts of a flower.

Can you recognise everything we have studied in class? Have a look

Science Unit 6. Photosynthesis song.

You can study this song and you will remember better this process

Science Unit 7. The Earth

A new unit about our planet. It is
interesting to see everyday what Sinead has
done with the Earth.
We can study the continents and the oceans.
Now we know a little bit more about rivers
in our community.
Remember: Perales de ..., Alcalá de...,  Morata de...

Recordad que los proyectos sobre este tema se entregarán el lunes, dia 4 de Marzo. Podéis elegir entre los dos temas propuestos en la hoja de información y los tendréis que exponer en clase.         
                                                   ¡Ánimo lo vais a hacer genial!

Science Unit 8. The solar system

More about planets and our solar system

      If you listen carefully you will know many interesting things about the planets and our star